the magnets will stay in the correct position by magnetic attraction.
- reduced risk of cancer, heart attack and respiratory diseases for you and your family;
- fewer coughs, colds and less influenza;
- less bronchitis and other respiratory infections for your children;
- your heart and lungs will completely recover in a relatively short time;
- more stamina for sports and exercise in general;
- better concentration and grasp of intellectual activities
- personal satisfaction at overcoming an important challenge;
- a sense of freedom at no longer being conditioned by physical and psychological dependence.
- whiter teeth, clearer skin and pleasant breath; pleasanter odours in the home, in the car, on one's clothes.
A good example :
- a good example for your children, grandchildren and friends.
- a healthy behaviour model, for those who work in education or the health sector, towards pupils and patients.
- you save a lot of money
24 minutes after smoking your last cigarette, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature return to normal as soon as the nicotine has been eliminated from the organism;
24 hours after, levels of carbon monoxide in the blood return to normal and circulation improves;
a few days a few days after , blood circulation in the lungs returns to normal - flavours can be enjoyed again;
several weeks, after, coughing is reduced or disappears and breathing markedly improves - you start to appreciate having stopped smoking;
already 12 months after, the lungs are functioning efficiently again and the risk of heart disease is halved;
after 5 years the risk of mouth, throat, oesophagus and bladder cancer is halved;
5-10 years after, the risk of lung cancer is also much lower and the risk of a stroke returns to that of a person who has never smoked.
every day your teeth get whiter, your skin is clearer and the unpleasant smell in your hair and clothes disappears.
To eliminate the increased risk of cancer (bear in mind that one malignant tumour in three is caused by smoking), you need more time: from 10 to 15 years. Try to fight this extra risk as soon as possible: it is well known that the frequency of cancer increases with age: the sooner you stop smoking, the lower will be the inevitable "after-effect" risk.
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the magnets will stay in the correct position by magnetic attraction.